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Shark Dragon

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Synopsis Shark Dragon

“Don’t brag about your money in Hero, your looks in S, or your fist in Bo.” There is an old saying like this, but there was a guy named Hero who completely defied the warning against boasting about fists in Bo. He was an 18-year-old high school student.
Hero, who had beaten up not only the delliquents at school but also the gangsters who backed them, ended up getting arrested for causing serious injuries. He served two years in the notorious “True Light Juvenile Detention Center” and was released. Afterward, he headed to Seoul.
At the age of 21, Hero returned to high school as a second-year student with a single goal in mind: to graduate high school safely and receive his diploma.
However, contrary to expectations that it would be an ordinary liberal arts high school, H High School was a place filled with all sorts of school violence and unfair practices.
Initially, Hero tried to live quietly and endure everything, promising himself to

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Keywords: read shark dragon, shark dragon english, shark dragon eng, download shark dragon eng, read shark dragon online

